Eye Health


Holistic Approaches to Dry Eye Syndrome Lifestyle Changes and Therapies

Dry Eyes
  • blog30, May, 2024.
  • blogadmin

Dry eye syndrome, a condition affecting millions worldwide, can cause irritation, burning, grittiness, and blurry vision. While artificial tears in the form of eye drops  offer temporary relief, a holistic approach that combines lifestyle changes and targeted therapies can significantly improve comfort and eye health in the long run. Understanding Dry Eye: Beyond Just Tears […]

2020 Vision Beyond the Eye Chart – Unveiling the Hidden Benefits of Regular Eye Exams

  • blog29, May, 2024.
  • blogadmin

We all know the drill – walk into the eye doctor’s office, antiseptic wipes everywhere, and that big eye chart on the wall. But there’s more to an eye exam than just that 20/20 score! A thorough eye check-up is actually a window into your overall health. See the Bigger Picture: Early Detection is Key! […]

Screen Time Blues: Protecting Your Eyes in the Digital Age

  • blog29, May, 2024.
  • blogadmin

Remember the days when screen time just meant catching up on your favourite show? Now, with phones, laptops, tablets, and TVs, our eyes are glued to screens all day! This digital world brings us closer and keeps us informed, but it can also lead to eye strain and discomfort. Here at Madurai Eye Center (MEC), […]

Dry Eye Solutions Addressing Discomfort and Finding Relief

Dry Eyes
  • blog28, May, 2024.
  • blogadmin

Ever feel like you have sand stuck in your eyes, no matter how much you blink? That burning, stinging feeling – it’s no fun at all! We all know that feeling – dry eyes. Dry eye, also known as Dry Eye Disease (DED), is a common problem that affects millions of people. It can really […]

Keeping Your Eyes Safe in the Summer Sun: Essential Tips and Protection Strategies

  • blog28, May, 2024.
  • blogadmin

With the arrival of summer, many of us seek to rejuvenate and reconnect with nature. It’s crucial to remember the potential dangers of bright rays –  ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Just like you wouldn’t step outside without sunscreen, protecting your eyes during the summer is vital for maintaining good eye health and preventing potential damage. How […]

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Dr Nithin K Srinivasan

Retinal Surgeon & Uveitis Specialist

Dr Naveen K Srinivasan

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